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SF French Clergy Go Green

"I don’t know what I would have done without your help. Being a member of CCEnergy is consistent with our values and provided an affordable way to go solar. Erin’s hard work and professionalism helped us meet our goals. We are very happy to be generating electricity from our roof top."

- Jacques Didier

Project Name: The American Auxiliary of Paris French Missions, Inc. (Jacques Didier)
City & State: San Francisco
Rated DC Output: 3.675 kW
Rated AC Output: 3.141 kW
Modules: 21 SolarWorld SW175’s (175 Watts Each)
Inverter: 1 SMA SB3000US-240 (3,000 Watts)
Total installed cost: $32,472
CSI Rebate: $6,962
GoSolarSF Rebate: $4,711
Tax Credit: n/a (non-profit)
Net Cost: $20,799
Net Cost per Watt: $6.62 AC, $5.66 DC
Installed in: December, 2008
Designer: Erin McMahon
Installer: Bert Bartsch

The American Auxiliary of Paris Missions (French Clergy) retrofitted their SF headquarters with solar PV in order “to save the planet, little by little, by producing clean ecologically sound energy”. The small roof space was a challenge, so much that CCEnergy needed to ask the SF Fire Chief to grant a variance. Locating the beams in the old structure proved difficult, but certainly not impossible.