California's only solar company OWNED by its customers.

Natural Food Store Cuts Costs with Solar Thermal

Owner: Mark Squires and Al Baylaq
Geographic location: Fairfax, California (original store location)
Equipment: 6 Heliodyne Gobi 408 collectors &2 120 gallon storage tanks
How/where mounted: mounted on the roof and rear wall of the building
Total installation cost: $18,200
Date of installation: March 2004
Designer: Daniel Pellegrini, Greg Strawn
Installer: Greg Strawn, Solar Services
CCEnergy Rep: Daniel Pellegrini

Solar thermal collectors, instead of expensive natural gas, handle the store's high hot water use.

The sun ensures a constant source of heated water.

Mounting brackets attach the collectors to the roof and a load-bearing wall.

Two 120-gallon tanks inside the building store the solar-heated water.

CCEnergy President Dan Pellegrini and installer Greg Strawn with the completed installation.