California's only solar company OWNED by its customers.

Integrating Solar into New Home Construction

Owner: Mark Feichtmeir
Geographic location: Kenwood, California
System output: 9.6 kW
Configuration: 96 Kyocera KC120 panels & 2 Xantrex/Trace SW5548 inverters with UniRac mounting
How/where mounted: Flat roof and carport tilt-up rack
Total installation cost: $43,200
Rebate amount: $43,380
Date of installation: May 2003
Designer: Daniel Pellegrini
Installer: Steve Lyons, Sine Electric
CCEnergy Rep: Dan Pellegrini

CCEnergy Field Rep Marc Dellorco and the homeowners with their completed solar installation.

Two rows of panels cover the roof's surface area on the main living quarters. Tilted mounting left plenty of walkspace around the PV panels and two skylights.

The Feichtmeiers happily verify their utility meter spinning backwards and their new solar system doing its job.

Tilt-up rack mounting on the home's flat roof achieves the angle needed for optimum solar exposure.

Tilted mounting left plenty of walkspace around the PV panels and two skylights.