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Shade Structure Protects Fire Fighter's
Vehicles and Provides Power

Member Name: Fairview Fire Department
Project Name: Municipal Fire Station with Shade Structure
City & State: Alameda County, CA
Rated DC Output: 18.3 kW
Rated AC Output: 21.6 kW
Modules: 100 Sharp 216 watt panels
Inverters: SMA 7000 and 6000, mounted on a parking shade structure
Monitoring: SMA web box
Total installed cost: $184,000 (including parking shade structure)
Rebate amount: $40,100
Tax Credit: $0 (governmental systems are not eligible)
Net Cost: $144,000
Date of installation: June 2009
Designer: Dick Hansen
Installer: Pacific Solar Energy

Several members of the Fire District’s Board were interested in investigating the advantages of a solar system to reduce their electric costs. As required, a formal bid process was undertaken. CCEnergy was selected to first develop a detailed proposal which was subsequently approved.

Of critical concern to the fire personnel, was that the structure would not affect movement of trucks or in any way negatively impact operational effectiveness. After reviews and approvals by the various county entities, construction of the shade structure commenced.

The structure is located above a parking area used by the on duty fire fighters, and is high enough to have no affect on fire truck movement. The structure was completed in several days and the installation of panels took an additional week. The inverters were placed on one of the shade structure columns, out of the way of any normal vehicle or foot traffic. Interconnection to the main service panel is of course all in metal conduit and the web box monitoring system is linked into the onsite computer system.